In a daring performance, a PETA activist slithered into the spotlight outside Gucci’s Tsui Sha Tsui store, shedding their “skin” to expose the dark truth behind the luxury brand’s exotic-skins empire. The provocative stunt aimed to pressure Gucci’s parent company, Kering, to ditch its cruel animal practices.
A shocking investigation by PETA Asia revealed the gruesome reality behind the Thai exotic skins industry, where snakes are confined, bludgeoned, and impaled for their skin, all to fuel Kering’s fashion fetish. The report also uncovered the horrific treatment of crocodiles, stabbed and skinned alive for their luxurious hides.
As the fashion world continues to worship at the altar of luxury, PETA’s bold protest serves as a stark reminder that beauty and style must never come at the cost of animal suffering. It’s time for Gucci and Kering to shed their outdated and inhumane practices, embracing a more compassionate and sustainable future for fashion. Join the movement and demand justice for the voiceless creatures trapped in the fashion industry’s deadly embrace.