Balenciaga is going digital. The French luxury house has partnered with Apple to create an app for the Apple Vision Pro, bringing virtual runway footage directly to your screen. The experience has launched in select countries, including China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom.
The newly available Balenciaga app offers a multisensory fashion experience, allowing you to sit front row at the brand’s Spring 2025 runway show in Shanghai. Captured under a Chinese downpour in May, the showcase features expansive drone shots with 360-degree angles, digitizing the runway in a groundbreaking format. The app also includes lookbook photography, giving you a closer look at previous collections.
Following its collaboration with Need for Speed Mobile, the Apple Vision Pro app underscores Balenciaga’s commitment to advancing technologies, focusing on world-class design through immersive and tangible environments.