Celebrating a decade of the beloved “Mojave Ghost” fragrance, Byredo introduces its first-ever solid perfume. This special edition captures the captivating scent of the original Eau de Parfum in a concentrated wax form, promising a richer and more enduring olfactory experience.
Encased in sleek, nomadic metal brown packaging envisioned by Byredo’s founder and creative director, Ben Gorham, this compact design is ideal for fragrance enthusiasts on the move. Its precision application targets the body’s warm pulse points, enhancing the scent’s longevity and intensity.
The campaign, featuring model Amelia Gray, seamlessly intertwines the solid perfume with the desert landscape that inspired Mojave Ghost. Retaining the iconic notes of Ambrette, Nesberry, Violet, Sandalwood, Magnolia, Cedarwood, Musks, and Vetiver, this new rendition delivers a potent and luxurious fragrance experience, symbolizing the resilience and ethereal allure of the ghost flower flourishing in the rugged Mojave Desert.
Byredo’s foray into solid perfumes marks a significant milestone, offering a unique and deeply personal way to experience one of its most iconic fragrances. The solid perfume will be available exclusively on Byredo’s website, inviting fragrance aficionados to embark on a sensorial journey like never before.