In Ali Abbasi’s film “The Apprentice,” which delves into the life of Donald Trump, one scene stands out as particularly disturbing amidst a narrative filled with unflattering depictions of the former president. Portrayed by Sebastian Stan, Trump violently throws his then-wife Ivana (played by Maria Bakalova) to the ground and proceeds to engage in nonconsensual sex with her.
Cannes Controversy: Disturbing Scene in “The Apprentice” Draws Outrage
The controversial scene unfolds as Ivana playfully presents a book to her husband about the merits of female orgasm, only for the interaction to take a dark turn. An uninterested Trump expresses his lack of attraction towards her, leading to an argument and ultimately, Trump’s violent actions towards Ivana. As he forces himself on her, Trump cruelly mocks her pleasure, highlighting the disturbing nature of the encounter.
Reactions to “The Apprentice” Premiere: Audience Calls Violent Scene “Gross” and “Rape”
Reactions to the scene within the Palais at the film’s premiere were varied but intense, with some attendees describing it as “gross” and labeling it as “rape.” The film follows Trump’s journey from a real estate aspirant in the 1970s to a self-proclaimed “killer” and “winner” in the mid-’80s, with a disclaimer acknowledging that it is based on true events but with some characters’ names changed.
Jeremy Strong and Maria Bakalova’s Performances in “The Apprentice” Spark Debate
Apart from Trump, the film also focuses on Jeremy Strong’s portrayal of Roy Cohn and Maria Bakalova’s depiction of Ivana Trump, both of whom have since passed away. The inclusion of the rape scene has sparked debate over its necessity to the storyline, with earlier drafts reportedly featuring an even more explicit version.
Uncertainty Surrounds Distribution of “The Apprentice” Amid Political Climate
In addition to the rape scene, the film also portrays Trump engaging in other objectionable behaviors, including drug use, cosmetic surgery, and disloyalty towards his mentor Roy Cohn. Despite its controversial subject matter, some insiders believe that “The Apprentice” offers a surprisingly humanizing portrayal of a figure often vilified by many.
Currently seeking distribution, the film faces uncertainty regarding its reception and potential buyers’ willingness to take on such a polarizing project, especially amidst the ongoing political climate.