Renowned New York-based artist Daniel Arsham has introduced his innovative artwork to Bangkok, Thailand, through a groundbreaking exhibition titled BANGKOK 3024. This exceptional showcase, a first of its kind in the country, is a collaborative effort with the esteemed luxury lifestyle hub, Central Embassy, marking a milestone in the venue’s 10-year journey.
In an exclusive interview and tour arranged by HypeArt, Arsham and Barom Bhicharnchitr, the managing director of Central Embassy and founder of Siwilai, delved into the exhibition’s intricacies. Together, they shared insights into the conceptual framework, highlighted specific artworks, and offered personal reflections on the creative process.
BANGKOK 3024 serves as a captivating voyage through time, seamlessly blending elements of the past, present, and future to delve into cultural memory and identity. Arsham, known for his imaginative approach to archaeology, has ingeniously transformed Central Embassy into a futuristic excavation site, unveiling artifacts from the late 20th century. The exhibition showcases pieces from various stages of Arsham’s career, each embodying his distinctive style, characterized by a mesmerizing interplay between decay and regeneration. By challenging viewers to reconsider their notions of time and permanence, the exhibition prompts profound reflection on our collective future.
Ultimately, BANGKOK 3024 not only celebrates Central Embassy’s illustrious 10-year legacy but also serves as a compelling call to action, urging visitors to contemplate the trajectory of human existence.