Emily in Paris star Lily Collins’ latest project has hit a snag. The 35-year-old actress is set to star in the lead role of the new Mattel film Polly Pocket. Following the massive success of Greta Gerwig’s Barbie, Mattel announced the development of a movie centered around the nostalgic toy, as reported by the Daily Star.
Initially, Lena Dunham was slated to direct the Polly Pocket film. However, she has recently revealed her departure from the project. “I’m not going to make the Polly Pocket movie. I wrote a script and worked on it for three years,” Lena, 38, shared with The New Yorker. She also praised Greta Gerwig’s “incredible feat” with the 2023 Barbie film, adding, “I felt like, unless I can do it that way, I’m not going to do it. I don’t think I have that in me. I need my next movie to be one that only I could make. And I did think other people could make Polly Pocket.”
Despite Lena’s exit, Mattel remains committed to Polly Pocket and has stated that the project is still in “active development.” A spokesperson told The Hollywood Reporter, “Polly Pocket is in active development, and we look forward to sharing updates on the project soon. Lena is a remarkable writer and creator, and we wish her all the best!”
Lily Collins confirmed her role as Polly Pocket in a social media post, calling the opportunity a “dream come true.” Fans are eagerly awaiting more updates on the film’s progress.