In the coming weeks, Pokémon enthusiasts from around the world will gather in Honolulu, Hawaii, to compete in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, Pokémon GO, Pokémon UNITE, and the Pokémon TCG. Ahead of the championship events, the Pokémon TCG will launch its latest expansion: Pokémon TCG: Shrouded Fable. This new set continues the Scarlet and Violet era, introducing over 100 new cards, including promotional items.
Set in the Kitakami region, featured in The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, Shrouded Fable marks the debut of Pecharunt’s Loyal Three—Okidogi, Munkidori, and Fezandipiti—alongside Pecharunt. The expansion highlights these four Pokémon as special illustration rares, with Cassiopeia appearing as a notable trainer. The set also includes a variety of fan-favorite Pokémon cards, such as a three-card series for the Duskull line, along with ethereal Cresselia, a formidable Houndoom, and a shadowy Persian.
Pokémon TCG: Shrouded Fable will be released on August 2 through the Pokémon Center, select retailers, and local card shops. The collection will be available in various formats, including tins, thematic boxes, and bundles. For a comprehensive look at the new cards, visit the official card gallery.