Renowned actor Benedict Cumberbatch leads the cast of Netflix’s highly anticipated limited series, “Eric.” In this compelling crime thriller set in 1980s New York City, Cumberbatch portrays Vincent, a devoted father grappling with overwhelming guilt after his son mysteriously vanishes. Immersed in his role as a children’s TV puppeteer, Vincent becomes fixated on his son’s imaginary creation, a blue monster puppet named Eric.
According to Netflix’s official synopsis, Vincent, a celebrated puppeteer and the creative mind behind the beloved show “Good Day Sunshine,” struggles to come to terms with Edgar’s disappearance. Consumed by self-loathing and desperation, Vincent clings to Eric, convinced that featuring the puppet on television will lead to his son’s safe return. However, as Vincent’s erratic behavior alienates those around him, Eric becomes his sole ally in the quest to uncover the truth.
The series offers a glimpse into Vincent’s profound emotional turmoil and its impact on both his professional and personal life. Alongside Cumberbatch, “Eric” features a talented ensemble cast including Gaby Hoffmann, McKinley Belcher III, Dan Fogler, and Clarke Peters.
Don’t miss the captivating trailer for “Eric” above. The series is set to premiere on Netflix on May 30th, promising viewers a gripping and unforgettable viewing experience.