In celebration of its 45th anniversary, the iconic Japanese military anime and sci-fi franchise Gundam has teamed up with Crocs for a unique pair of All-Terrain Clogs. These special edition clogs draw inspiration from the legendary Gundam RX-78-2, featuring a design that incorporates the robot’s distinctive blue, red, white, and yellow colors.
The clogs come complete with a Gundam Jibbitz charm, adding an extra touch of authenticity for fans. Designed for outdoor adventures, these clogs boast a more rugged outsole and a nylon heel strap with additional padding for enhanced comfort. The slip-ons also include TPU pieces connecting the lateral and medial sides, and feature the “RX-78-2” name on the strap along with the Earth Federation Forces logo.
Keep an eye out for the Gundam x Crocs collaboration arriving this month. These clogs are a must-have for both Gundam enthusiasts and outdoor adventurers alike.