In a move that’s set to illuminate the world of superhero storytelling, DC Studios has announced an eight-episode series order for the iconic “Green Lantern” franchise on HBO! This exciting development marks a significant expansion of the DC Universe, with showrunner Chris Mundy (“Ozark”) and executive producer Damon Lindelof at the helm.
The series will focus on two of DC Comics’ most beloved characters: John Stewart and Hal Jordan. This marks a fresh start for the Green Lantern franchise, five years after HBO Max initially developed a series with producer Greg Berlanti. That project was ultimately scrapped in early 2023, with DC Studios’ Peter Safran citing creative differences.
But now, with James Gunn and Peter Safran leading the charge, the new “Green Lantern” series promises to deliver a thrilling, terrestrial-based investigation story that’s more akin to “True Detective” than a space opera. As Gunn and Safran stated, “We’re thrilled to bring this seminal DC title to HBO… John Stewart and Hal Jordan are two of DC’s most compelling characters, and Lanterns brings them to life in an original detective story that is a foundational part of the unified DCU we’re launching next summer with Superman.”
Stay tuned to Wally for more updates on this electrifying new series, which is set to join the ranks of HBO’s most iconic shows!