Allie Shehorn, a renowned makeup artist celebrated for her work on films like Damien Chazelle’s *Babylon* and Zack Snyder’s *Rebel Moon*, is currently recovering after a brutal attack by her ex-boyfriend at her Los Angeles home on May 23.
According to the Los Angeles Times, emergency services were called to the Shadow Hills area around 4:30 a.m. following reports of a stabbing. KTLA reported that Shehorn was stabbed over 20 times and had recently sought a restraining order against her assailant.
In the wake of this horrific incident, Shehorn’s friends, Emily MacDonald and Jed Dornoff, launched a GoFundMe campaign to help cover her escalating medical expenses. MacDonald shared a heartfelt message on the fundraiser page, stating, “Allie was stabbed multiple times by her ex-boyfriend and is in the hospital fighting for her life, in critical condition.” She described Shehorn as “a remarkable person, full of warmth, kindness, and love.”
Campaign updates reveal that after a second surgery on May 25, Shehorn’s medical team remains “cautiously optimistic,” noting her condition as “very stable.” On May 26, Dornoff shared a positive update that her breathing and feeding tubes had been removed. By May 27, authorities had captured her attacker as he attempted to flee the country at the Texas-Mexico border.
Showing further community support, Dornoff highlighted Christine White, who he described as “like an adopted Mom who cares a lot about Allie,” played a crucial role in saving Shehorn’s life. “She is very brave and acted fast when she found Allie bleeding out. Thank you Christine for saving her life,” he expressed.
Despite the severity of her injuries, MacDonald remains hopeful about Shehorn’s recovery, noting she will likely spend a month in the hospital but has kept a positive spirit. “She’s been in really good spirits,” MacDonald told KTLA. “Even when she’s at rock bottom, she’s still looking to see how she can lift other people up.”
Allie Shehorn’s career, spanning over a decade, includes significant contributions to films such as *Mean Girls*, *Family Switch*, and *Fall*.