Bianca Censori shocked onlookers in Los Angeles on Saturday when she dined out with her husband, Kanye West, wearing a barely-there bra top. The 29-year-old Australian architect left little to the imagination with her tiny top, which just managed to cover her modesty as she arrived at a local barbecue restaurant with the rapper.
Restaurateurs are now vowing to ban the controversial couple from their establishments after Censori’s revealing ensemble caused a stir. One owner stated, “If I am the owner of any establishment that these two intend to enter, I will tell them due to respect for my customers, you are not allowed to enter.” Another agreed, “I wouldn’t have them in my restaurant. Totally inappropriate and not a good role model for young children to see this out and about. What is wrong with them?”
Criticism continued with another comment: “She looks absolutely ridiculous. How can any decent restaurant accept a customer wearing that? Even supermarkets have signs up in summer advising that tops must be worn for hygiene purposes. This is so much worse.” Another echoed, “You used to get refused entry due to dress codes if you didn’t wear a tie. How times have changed, now you can enter and dine almost naked.”
One person added, “No self-respecting restaurant owner or manager should let them enter with her dressed like that unless they, in advance, pay to book out the whole restaurant for their own private venue.”
The incident has sparked widespread debate about appropriate dining attire and public decency, with many calling for stricter dress codes in restaurants.