Kazuyuki Takezaki, renowned for his blurred, washed-out landscapes, has passed away at the age of 48 due to a heart attack. His death was confirmed by Jeffrey Rosen, cofounder of Takezaki’s Tokyo-based gallery, Misako & Rosen, which is now working to establish an estate for the artist.
Takezaki’s passing comes shortly after the conclusion of his first major solo exhibition in New York at the 47 Canal gallery. The show featured recent paintings of trees, mountains, and greenery from his hometown of Marugame, Japan. These works, with their forms melting into abstraction, reflect a natural world threatened by industrialization. Andrew Maerkle noted in an essay for the exhibition that Takezaki’s art communicates a fleeting sense of place, reflecting on time, memory, and the overlap between subject and object.
In the United States, Takezaki’s exhibitions were rare, but in Japan, he held significant solo shows at the Kochi Museum of Art and Misako & Rosen. Born in Kochi, Japan, in 1976, Takezaki’s birthplace profoundly influenced his artistic practice. He graduated from Kochi University in 1999 and then moved to Tokyo to develop his career.
Takezaki initially gained attention through group shows at prestigious galleries like Yvon Lambert in New York and Ota Fine Arts in Tokyo. He also founded his own gallery, Takefloor, in his Tokyo apartment, which became a catalyst for experimental art in Japan and inspired Rosen to open Misako & Rosen.
After some time in Tokyo, Takezaki returned to Kochi and later moved to Marugame, where he began his “Board / Table” paintings. These works, created en plein air, started as figural representations but quickly transformed into abstract compositions of muted color. Some of these pieces were showcased at 47 Canal and Milwaukee’s Green Gallery in recent years.
Takezaki’s unique approach and dedication to capturing the transient beauty of nature have left a lasting impact on the art world. His ability to convey the essence of a place through abstract forms continues to inspire and resonate with audiences worldwide.