Leonardo DiCaprio recently showered his 16-year-old niece, Normandie Farrar, with luxury goods during a shopping spree in Beverly Hills. The duo visited high-end stores like Tiffany & Co. and Prada, despite a backdrop of ongoing family turmoil involving DiCaprio’s estranged stepbrother, Adam Farrar, Normandie’s father.
According to the Daily Mail, Normandie, who was reportedly “abducted” by her father at age six, seemed in high spirits as she carried shopping bags alongside her uncle, grandfather George DiCaprio, and stepmother Peggy Farrar. DiCaprio tried to maintain a low profile by wearing a baseball cap and mask.
This shopping spree follows a rare family dinner just two months earlier. Notably absent from these outings were Normandie’s parents, Charity Moore and Adam Farrar, who have faced several legal issues in the past, including an arrest for petty theft in 2016.
The family’s rift became public in 2014 when Adam was arrested on drug charges and took Normandie out of state, sparking a “kidnapping” investigation. Normandie was eventually returned to California and placed in her grandfather’s care.
Before their estrangement, Leonardo and Adam were reportedly close, often attending basketball games together. However, sources say their relationship deteriorated as DiCaprio’s career soared while Adam’s acting career floundered. Since 2010, Adam has faced various legal charges, including harassment and domestic violence.
Despite the complicated family history, DiCaprio’s recent outings with his niece hint at a potential reconciliation, with some speculating that it could be an olive branch towards his troubled stepbrother.