MAD Architects, led by Ma Yansong, is renowned for its futuristic architecture and deep engagement with contemporary art. This year, at the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale, MAD has introduced the “Ephemeral Bubble,” a striking large-scale biomorphic installation nestled in the Japanese countryside.
The “Ephemeral Bubble” exhibits an ambiguous form, appearing as a bubble, a smoke blob, or even a bedside lamp, reminiscent of ethereal creatures from Studio Ghibli films. According to MAD, the installation draws inspiration from nature, with its soft and fluid form harmonizing with the historical and rustic surroundings.
Situated next to a century-old house in Murono Village, Tokamachi—a city known for its mythical charm and natural beauty—the installation invites visitors on an “emotive and spiritual exploration.” Before entering the “Ephemeral Bubble,” visitors walk through the historic building, creating a profound connection between the past and the present.
This is not MAD Architects’ first contribution to the art festival. In 2017, they presented the “Tunnel of Light,” which also explored themes of nature and spirituality through minimalist design.
The Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale is open until November 10, 2024. For ticket information, visit the festival’s official website.
Discover more about MAD Architects’ visionary work and plan your visit to experience this unique blend of art and nature.