Mark Zuckerberg has captured public attention once more with an intriguing new project: a seven-foot statue of his wife, Priscilla Chan, crafted by acclaimed artist Daniel Arsham. The sculpture, designed to evoke the appearance of an ancient relic, features Chan’s likeness in a weathered, dark teal copper, draped in a glossy himation.
Daniel Arsham, renowned for his work with fossilized contemporary objects, has created a piece that seamlessly blends modern elements with classical aesthetics. The statue’s design reflects Arsham’s signature style, merging the past with the present.
In an Instagram post, Chan expressed her delight with the artwork, playfully commenting, “The more of me the better?” Zuckerberg explained that the inspiration behind the statue is rooted in the Roman tradition of creating sculptures of one’s spouse.
Zuckerberg and Chan, who met during their time at Harvard and married in 2012, are the parents of three daughters: Maxima, August, and Aurelia. The statue stands as a testament to their enduring relationship and Arsham’s distinctive artistic vision.