Actor Nicholas Galitzine has been officially cast as He-Man in the highly anticipated live-action film “Masters of the Universe,” Variety reports. The film, a collaboration between Amazon MGM Studios and Mattel Films, is set to be directed by Travis Knight with a script penned by Chris Butler. Earlier drafts were worked on by David Callaham, Aaron Nee, and Adam Nee. Producers include Escape Artists’ Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, and Steve Tisch, alongside Mattel Films’ Robbie Brenner.
Scheduled for a worldwide theatrical release on June 5, 2026, “Masters of the Universe” revives the iconic battle between He-Man (Prince Adam of Eternia) and the sinister Skeletor, originally brought to life as a Mattel toy line in 1982.
Julie Rapaport, head of film production and development at Amazon MGM Studios, expressed her excitement to Variety, stating, “We’re thrilled to bring the beloved Masters of the Universe to life and couldn’t be more excited to announce the immensely talented Nicholas Galitzine as our He-Man.”
Robbie Brenner, President of Mattel Films, added, “Mattel Films is proud to work with Amazon and team up again with the incredible Courtenay Valenti to bring Masters of the Universe to the big screen. We are thrilled to be producing alongside the highly respected and prolific Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, and Steve Tisch, with the visionary Travis Knight, and the charismatic and talented Nicholas Galitzine, our Prince Adam/He-Man!”
Galitzine himself shared his enthusiasm on Instagram, writing, “It has been a dream for so long to play someone of his heart, humour and heroism, I cannot wait to get started.”