The queen of rap, Nicki Minaj, faced an unexpected detainment in Amsterdam over the weekend during her Pink Friday 2 World Tour. Authorities detained Minaj on suspicion of possessing drugs, specifically marijuana.
Minaj took to social media to share the incident live, capturing footage of police approaching and detaining her. The video, streamed on Instagram Live, showed Minaj denying the allegations, stating, “I’m not carrying drugs. I’m not going in there. I need a lawyer present. I need a lawyer present now. Where am I going?”
En route to her Manchester show, Minaj repeatedly questioned the officers, asking, “What am I doing? Oh so I’m under arrest? Under arrest for what?” Her Manchester performance was postponed and canceled 1.5 hours after the scheduled start time.
After her release, Minaj took to Twitter, claiming the events were due to “sabotage.” She explained that police allegedly found marijuana in her bag, which she asserted belonged to one of her security guards. “Now they said they found weed & that another group of ppl have to come here to weigh the pre-rolls. Keep in mind they took my bags without consent. My security has already advised them those pre-rolls belong to him. Oh yea & the pilot wants me to take my IG post down.”
Despite the incident, Minaj is out of detainment and continuing her European tour, set to conclude in July.