In the long-awaited sequel to Gladiator, Paul Mescal takes on the role of Lucius Verus, now a grown man several decades after the original film. Verus, grandson of Emperor Marcus Aurelius and son of Emperor Commodus, lives in Numidia outside the Roman Empire with his family. When General Marcus Acacius (played by Pedro Pascal) leads an invasion, Verus is captured and forced into gladiatorial combat.
Joining Mescal and Pascal, Denzel Washington portrays the influential figure Macrinus, while Connie Nielsen reprises her role as Lucilla, Verus’s mother who struggles to recognize her son after decades apart. Derek Jacobi returns as Senator Gracchus, opposing the growing power of co-emperors Geta and Caracalla (Joseph Quinn and Fred Hechinger).
The trailer for Gladiator II hints at political tensions within the imperial court and intense arena battles. Experience the epic saga when it hits theaters on November 22.
Watch the official trailer for Gladiator II now!