Renowned Japanese artist Ryoji Ikeda is presenting the latest installment of his groundbreaking dataverse trilogy at Almine Rech’s Brussels location. This comprehensive exhibition spans over two decades of Ikeda’s innovative work, immersing viewers in a captivating series of installations that delve into the realms of astrophysics, quantum mechanics, and the mysteries of the cosmos.
Ikeda’s unique approach combines mathematical code with mesmerizing audiovisual installations and music, probing the impact of humanity on the world. This European debut of the dataverse trilogy features 16 large-scale screens showcasing an intricate interplay of patterns and sounds, evoking the pervasive influence of digital media on our lives.
Curator Fernanda Brenner aptly describes the exhibition as an exploration of the “opacity and totalitarian grip” of digital media. Ikeda’s films, ranging from the microscopic to the celestial, poignantly remind us of the limitations of our knowledge. By transforming vast data sets into aesthetically striking experiences, Ikeda challenges our perception and invites us to reevaluate the underlying structures of reality.
Until July 27, 2024, art enthusiasts in Brussels can experience the thought-provoking dataverse trilogy at Almine Rech. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with Ikeda’s visionary work.
Location: Almine Rech, Abdijstraat 20 / Rue de l’Abbaye, 1050 Brussels, BE
Duration: Until July 27, 2024