
Shuttering the Debate: Ansel Adams Estate Calls Out Adobe’s AI-Generated Art Practices


In a shocking move, the Ansel Adams Trust slammed Adobe for selling AI-generated images under the legendary photographer’s name. The tech giant was caught red-handed, peddling pics that ripped off Adams’ iconic style without permission. Talk about a severe case of artistic appropriation!

The drama went down on Adobe Stock, where a fake “Ansel Adams-Style Photography” image was being sold for a whopping $79.99. The trust wasn’t having it, calling out Adobe for “wasting resources that don’t belong to you” and demanding they take responsibility for protecting artist IP.

But here’s the thing—Adobe’s rules prohibit uploading AI-generated pictures that copy another artist’s style. So, what’s going on here? It looks like Adobe’s AI experiment went rogue, and they got caught with their hand in the artistic cookie jar!

The Ansel Adams Trust isn’t having it, and they’re calling on Adobe to step up their game. “It’s past time to stop wasting resources that don’t belong to you,” they wrote. “We invite you to become proactive about complaints like ours… and to stop putting the onus on individual artists/artists’ estates to continuously police our IP on your platform, on your terms.”

Adobe tried to play nice, responding with a generic “thank you for flagging” message. But the trust wasn’t satisfied. They want real action, not just empty words.

This epic battle between art and tech has left us wondering – what’s the future of creativity in the age of AI? Can tech giants like Adobe be trusted to respect the intellectual property of artists? Only time will tell, but one thing’s for sure – the Ansel Adams Trust won’t back down without a fight!



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