In a groundbreaking collaboration, Swedish fashion powerhouse Acne Studios is joining forces with music streaming giant Spotify to create unparalleled opportunities for artists and fans to connect. This exciting partnership expands Acne Studios’ esteemed “Acne People” talent program, which has previously featured illustrious collaborations with Rosalía, Caroline Polachek, and K-Pop sensation ILLIT.
Through this synergy, Acne Studios and Spotify will curate a diverse roster of global superstars and emerging talents, showcasing them through exclusive collaborations tied to major events worldwide. By combining Acne Studios’ design expertise with Spotify’s vast reach, they will craft immersive experiences that seamlessly merge fashion, music, technology, and community.
The inaugural collaboration will debut during the Fall/Winter 2024 season, marking the beginning of a series of innovative fashion-meets-music experiences. This partnership promises to offer fresh platforms for artistic expression, fan engagement, and creative experimentation, ultimately creating a new stage where imagination and inspiration can thrive.
Stay tuned to Wally for the unveiling of this unprecedented collaboration, as Acne Studios and Spotify redefine the intersection of fashion, music, and technology.
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