The highly anticipated fourth installment of Amazon’s hit series, The Boys, is finally on the horizon, set to premiere next month. To whet the appetite of eager fans, the studio has dropped the official trailer for the upcoming season, offering a tantalizing glimpse into what lies ahead.
Continuing from the events of the previous season, it appears that Karl Urban’s Butcher and Antony Starr’s Homelander are prepared to go to extreme lengths to bring about their own downfall, dragging everyone else down with them. In the trailer, Butcher reveals to Jack Quaid’s Hughy and Erin Moriarty’s Starlight, along with the rest of the Boys, that his time is running out due to his failing heart. Determined to leave his mark, Butcher enlists the help of a new character portrayed by Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who shares his desire to eradicate all supers to safeguard humanity. Meanwhile, at Vought HQ, Homelander urges his team to embrace their powers and assert dominance over protesting humans.
With only eight episodes in the new season, the synopsis teases, “In Season Four, the world teeters on the edge. Victoria Neuman inches closer to the Oval Office, while Homelander tightens his grip on power. Butcher, facing his mortality and loss, must navigate leadership turmoil within The Boys. As the stakes reach new heights, they must unite to save the world before it’s too late.”
Experience the full intensity of the season four trailer for The Boys above. The series kicks off with its first three episodes premiering on June 13th.