Apple recently unveiled its latest tablets, the iPad Pro M4 and iPad Air M2, during a keynote event held at the brand’s new London headquarters. Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, declared it as “the biggest day for iPad since its introduction,” highlighting the significance of these new releases. Here are our initial impressions as we spent the past few days exploring both models before their launch on May 15.
Starting with the iPad Pro, Apple’s flagship tablet comes in familiar 11″ and new 13″ sizes, featuring the latest M4 chipset, exclusive to this device. Compared to the previous model with the M2 chip, the iPad Pro M4 boasts a 1.5x increase in CPU performance and faster memory bandwidth. During our testing, including tasks like video editing and photo manipulation, the M4 showcased impressive performance, although some limitations within iPadOS might prevent it from reaching its full potential.
The iPad Pro also introduces an OLED display, offering rich colors and deep blacks with its Ultra Retina XDR technology. The dual OLED displays provide stunning brightness and contrast, enhancing the viewing experience for photos and videos. Additionally, the new iPad Pro features updated cameras, with the selfie camera now positioned for better video calls.
Accompanying the iPad Pro M4 is the Apple Pencil Pro, offering new gesture controls and enhanced functionality. Despite its powerful features, the iPad Pro M4 boasts a remarkably thin and lightweight design, setting a new standard for sleekness in the tablet market.
Meanwhile, the iPad Air M2 continues Apple’s legacy of powerful yet accessible tablets. Available in 11″ and 13″ sizes, the iPad Air M2 inherits design elements from previous iPad Pro models, providing a familiar yet modern aesthetic. With a bright display and compatibility with both Apple Pencil Pro and Apple Pencil (USB-C), the iPad Air M2 offers versatility for various tasks.
Both the iPad Pro M4 and iPad Air M2 are now available for online orders and will be in stores on May 15. The iPad Pro M4 starts at $999 USD for the 11″ model and $1,299 USD for the 13″ model, while the iPad Air M2 starts at $599 USD for the 11″ model and $799 USD for the 13″ model.